Sunday, January 21, 2007

Breaking a sweat over a dream?

I wish dreams came from a more intelligent source than my brain. Something that knew how to deal with difficult situations. Something that showed merrier things when life is showing you a hard time. But that's the demise of the real world. And the demise of evolution having gotten only so far. And so I woke up in the middle of the night breaking a sweat over a nightmare. I guess it's true that we need artificial sources of entertainment. Coz if it were left upto us, we'd all be miserable little goons.


[Amod] said...

If dreams come true, I would fly! Reality dawns when we wake up and we should live in real world rather than dream world, however harsh that might be.

thethirdnote said...

dreams are wishful thinking, right? then a bad dream must just be an oxymoron. why would we want to wish anything bad on ourselves :) there are nightmares, and then there are dreams.

Sukhi said...

dreams if I know right from my experiences are the remnants of reality which don't make it through the day. I'm glad that I feel safer in the real world when I wake up from a nightmare :). we don't wish bad on ourselves, we fear it. and it's just that we realise those fears at night.

Ankur Jain said...
